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Légumes sains
Chemin de la nature

  the Nature's Way of Healing  


The word "Naturopathy" finds its etymology from the Anglo-Saxon "Nature's path".

Follow the path that nature offers. 

And this is the essence of naturopathy. It is an art of living oriented towards nature in order to preserve good health.

  A philosophy, a science, an art. 


This philosophy of life combines a "set of treatment methods aiming at strengthening the body's defences with solutions considered to be natural and organic". (World Health Organization)


The goal of naturopathy is to ensure health maintenance, to prevent diseases and to support the body's self-healing in case of an imbalance thanks to:


  • Individualised diet plan

  • Stress management & emotional support

  • Physical activity

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Breathing exercises, phyto-aromatherapy, reflexology, actinology, manual therapy & energy healing


The role of a natural health practitioner is to support you with your current health situation and help you to understand how your body works.

The naturopath is therefore a health educator who provides advice and guidance related to health.


(A natural health practitioner is not a doctor.

So he/she is not authorized legally to make any medical diagnosis.

In case of any illnesses, you should consult your general practitioner to ensure medical supervision).

Ancre 1
Conversation amicale

Structure of the consultation

During the session, the naturopathic practitioner carries out a research work with a holistic approach by investigating the causes of imbalances in your body on the physical, psychological and emotional levels.

Following the discussion, the naturopath is able to assess your vitality check-up and establish a health program adapted to your body needs.

This program will support you and give you natural keys to open the doors of your health thanks to the intelligence of your body and the healing power of nature.

Naturopathy can help you:

Take care of your health

Have a better lifestyle

Boost your energy

Manage your stress and anxiety,

provide an additional support in case of burnout or depression

Live well with autoimmune, chronic, invisible illnesses or diseases of civilization

Balance your hormones, boost your fertility

​Have a better understanding of your body and feel better with yourself

Femme en bonne santé
Naturopathie en chiffres

A few figures about naturopathy

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